Tips for Every Day Stress Relief Image

10 Tips for Every Day Stress Relief

We all know that stress doesn’t feel good. It’s also not healthy for our bodies short or long term, and it can make us say and do things we wouldn’t normally. Things happen outside of our control, and it can be difficult to be mindful of our mental health. If you feel your blood pressure rising or your pulse quickening, take a moment for yourself.


Here are 10 easy methods for relieving stress the moment you realize you could use them!


  1. If you can, STEP AWAY.
    Physically or mentally remove yourself from the situation that’s causing stress until you calm down. Take a bathroom break at work, step outside, or tell the person on the other line that you have another call that you have to take. If current events are stressing you out, turn off or take a break from the news for a few days.
  2. Exercise.
    It can be hard to motivate yourself to move when you feel emotionally drained (because emotional drain often equals physical drain), but exercising releases endorphins and lowers your body’s stress hormones.
  3. Chew gum.
    Believe it or not, studies back chewing gum as a method for relieving stress!
  4. Breathe.
    Close your eyes, sit up straight, and slowly inhale through your nose until your lungs are full. Exhale through your mouth. Repeat this for 5 minutes. You’ll find it’s hard to think of anything else.
  5. Turn on the music.
    But not just any music! Soothing tunes can reduce anxiety as well as lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Here’s a list of tunes scientifically proven to relax. And a few more.
  6. Say “no.”
    If you’re feeling stressed about a situation that you can get out of, it may be best to decline. It’s okay to refuse extra work, cancel dinner plans, etc. The other person or persons involved will understand (and if they don’t, that’s a whole other conversation).
  7. Don’t procrastinate, or be proactive.
    If there’s something “looming” that you need to take care of, it’s best to “rip the bandaid off” as soon as possible. You’ll feel infinitely better after doing so, even if it’s something unpleasant. Putting it off will only increase your stress.
  8. Make time for yourself every day.
    Whether that time is used for a hobby, a relaxing bath, time with your significant other / friends/ family, or something else, pen it into your schedule. If you’re only working and or running errands all day every day, you’re going to feel miserable and out of sync.
  9. Drink orange juice (or boost your vitamin C levels).
    According to WebMD, high levels of vitamin C can reduce your stress levels. Plus, things containing vitamin C tend to be tasty!
  10. Talk it out.
    Talk to your friend, family member, significant other, etc. about what’s bothering you. If your stress stems FROM a person, talking to them about it might just resolve the issue. At the very least, making your feelings known can improve your mood.


If all else fails, we at Releaves can help! Reach out to us.


